Friday, October 12, 2007

"Ionizing Radiation"

There are three specific types of ionizing radiation:
1.)Alpha radiation is a type of radioactive decay in which an atomic nucleus emits an alpha particle (two protons and two neutrons bound together into a particle identical to a helium nucleus) and transforms (or 'decays') into an atom with a mass number 4 less and atomic number 2 less

2.)Beta radiation is a type of radioactive decay in which a beta particle (an electron or a positron) is emitted. In the case of electron emission, it is referred to as "beta minus" (β−), while in the case of a positron emission as "beta plus"

3.)Gamma rays or gamma-ray (denoted as γ) are forms of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) or light emissions of a specific frequency produced from sub-atomic particle interaction, such as electron-positron annihilation and radioactive decay; most are generated from nuclear reactions occurring within the interstellar medium of space. Gamma rays are generally characterized as electromagnetic radiation, having the highest frequency and energy, and also the shortest wavelength, within the electromagnetic spectrum, i.e. high energy photons

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